Tuesday 16 September 2008

The 12th leader of the Liberal Party

Since Barking Mad started, our members urged us to contact Malcolm Turnbull for support. We have engaged in repeated contact with Mr. Turnbull, on the federal election, the 2020 Summit, ageing and climate change and the need for public transport and other campaigns. Despite an impromptu meeting face-to-face at Bronte with that silly dog-line, we have yet to receive any response from the man who is now the 12th elected leader of the Liberal Party. Malcolm is known amongst dog owners for his Dog Blog.

Mr. Turnbull: It is time now for you to walk your talk, as well as well as you walk your dogs. We wrote the new leader today:
Will you support federal guidelines to make public transport accessible for the 65% of Australians with pets? We have a draft policy based on the current policy in London. We have national RSPCA support.

We have contacted you numerous times since our work on the dog line, the federal election and the 2020 summit. Please, we request that you walk your talk, not just the dogs. We look forward to working with you. Pets are a health, ageing, public safety and climate change issue. Please contact Barking Mad Equity for Pet Owners.

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