Sunday 14 September 2008

Local Gov't Election ~ NSW

Barking Mad, represented by Eedra and Pema helped residents 'vote for their families and their dogs' in four NSW local government areas from 8am - 6pm on polling day. (We have members in 59 local governments in NSW). We offered our support to the candidates who acknowledged the importance of pets to our community well being.
A very exciting thing is happening! The political parties are starting to GET:
  • that 42% of voters have dogs and 65% have pets
  • that pet-owners are a demographic that have been un-represented excepting the 'guns, dogs and 4WD' lobby of the Shooters Party
  • that the current laws are not acknowledging the importance of the pet industry that is worth $4.6 BILLION annually
  • that pets are a positive contribution to health and aged care because they are really 24 x 7 health care workers to countless aged pensioners.

Barking Mad has been working hard for about 18 months, and our lobbying is starting to pay dividends. NSW councillors (set your cynicism aside) are starting to recognise that they have a statutory obligation to provide equitable services, including services to pet-owners by way of access to community resources such as beaches, parks and public transport.

Keen citizens with a view to influence policy by getting into local government recognise how easy it is to get the support of pet owners with sensible pet policies. The NSW local government campaign combined with the sudden WA State Election has provided responsible pet owners with a PAW into policy. We are over-joyed with the recognition our policies are receiving (and our push to get NSW Local Government to behave properly as per their requirement under the Local Government Act). These are exciting times. Please, do not miss your opportunity to make a difference. Support the lobby group for responsible pet owners with your $40 membership.

DETAILS: We have done well in this NSW Election. Final results are several days away due to preferences. (Simply clicking on our advertisers will support us financially.)

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