Transport with pets in Australia:Dogs and other pets are allowed on metro trains in Melbourne, but not on buses.
Dogs are allowed on buses in NSW, but the majority of bus drivers don’t know their own regulations.
In Queensland, the Regulations permit a passenger to bring an animal on a bus with the driver’s permission. However Translink decided that only approved assistance animals are allowed.
Queensland claims that pets present a risk – but they haven’t done a risk analysis!
Although dogs are allowed on buses and ferries in NSW, they are not allowed on trains.
Yet they are allowed on trains if the dog provides ‘therapeutic benefit to its owner or another person’. Most dogs provide this.
RailCorp goes one better, requiring an annual pass for an Assistance Dog with medical proof of a disability (of the person), and proof of toileting on command (the dog, we hope.)
- RailCorp further outdo themselves by prohibiting an animal to drink water on the train OR at the station. Logically it follows, that dog is not allowed to wee on railway property either.
It gets better – dogs, actually animals, are not allowed onto railway land. A level crossing is railway land. Don't let your sheep or cattle cross the tracks. Even disused tracks like the Cooma-Bombala line are still railway land.
Sydney Monorail and Metro Light Rail allow dogs, cat, birds or other animals and they sign-post it.
Most private ferries and punts in NSW welcome pets, with operators stating they are usually better behaved then children.
Barking Mad has correspondence from the NSW Transport Minister and the Director General stating pets are permitted at the discretion of the driver/operator. This discretion is a rare display of common sense that considers the cleanliness and control of the animal. Similar considerations for letting people on board are taken all the time!