Tuesday 20 November 2007

Desire rules the world

DESIRE: Desire rules the world. Have you ever watched a group of adults going from shop to shop because the one toddler in the group says they want an ice cream that is this way or that (place any colour or flavour here). Maybe it isn’t blatantly noticeable, but I’ve seen it happen many times while I’ve sat in public at a cafĂ© with my quiet dog under the table watching kid after kid drive the adults from one venue to the next. Why? Because their desire for that ice cream (or whatever) is stronger than their parent’s resistance.

This is a Barking Mad strategy as well. It’s proven time after time to work, so we use it and hope you will too.

Please – vote with your membership for common sense and a value of our heritage. The dog and its relationship with humans is a part of our Aboriginal and colonial heritage. The recent election featured an off-lead dog on the cover of the election guide that went to 13 MILLION voters. This is our (election) guide dog!

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