Thursday 24 April 2008

Police and CHARGE against Barking Mad

Maybe they read the paper the day after their arrest of me in February and found out, once again, Barking Mad did our legal research better. Can't say much more as I am still in hospital and now I have plaintiff lawyers chasing ME and you can read into that what you wish. Here is an excerpt of the email from the NSW Police; we love their use of the softer word 'allegation' when in fact it was a charge - by three arresting officers.
Dear Ms Zey,

I wish to advise you that the prosecution will seek to withdraw the allegation of 'Resist Police in the Execution of Duty' which is currently listed for mention before the Burwood Local Court. (name), Senior Sergeant, Burwood Area Prosecution Co-ordinator

Barking Mad is still dealing with 'dog on railway property' from Central Station Sydney and once again, can't say much. But have a laugh: we think LEVEL CROSSINGS are railway property, and if they are, you can't cross them with your dog or that dog would be 'on railway property' and get a $100 fine. Can anyone confirm this for me? No word from RailCorp as yet. And what if you cross those tracks on foot and/or in a vehicle (or train!).

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