Wednesday 14 November 2007

Members Web Updates

Members - we're adding heaps of juicy stuff to the members pages in the next few days. We've started today with the classifieds so please send yours in. Need your password? Email.We have contacted all the councils in Australia (yes, all 700 plus) to inquire about their provisions to not discriminate against people with dogs and WOW what an interesting lot of responses we have got. We've found councils that don't even have a ranger, several without ANY 'no dogs signs', and many that are not aware of the Disability Discrimination Act. We've found two who are interested in our user-pays, 'extra access' dog registration. (Pay more, get more training, and get more access for you and dog). And, we've found problems with the AQIS requirements to take an assistance animal to Christmas Island. Did you know they are making Christmas Island dog free? We wonder if they have gotten rid of the foxes, rabbits and cats too. We will be adding this to the members area as well.

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