Let's just call it a 'misunderstanding' that Council found Barking Mad material on our web "in conflict with Council's policies" so therefore unable "to be displayed at our stall". Maybe they just talked to Warringah whose unelected top dog administrator uses funds from the 40% of his rate payers who own dogs to publicise that dogs and beaches don't mix. (A page in the Manly Daily costs $4000 and this is where this was published).
We asked Manly how a not-for-profit organisation that:
- promotes a safe and pet-friendly community is in conflict with Council policies?
- exposed the positive climate-change policy of our legal right to travel on public transport with our pets in conflict with Council policies?
- has assisted your residents to (rightfully) keep their beloved and well-behaved pets in their units is against Council policy and would council rather support rescue organisations than the causes of pet surrenders?
- has Federal government recognition for raising the profile of the domestic dog as a 24 x 7 health care worker is in conflict with Council’s policies?
We didn't receive an answer.
We reminded Council that they are only a regulatory authority and don't make the laws. In fact, at last years' event the rangers used their statutory discretion to let dogs play with their families in the playground - the mum's and bubs were NOT fined $330 for having a fun time together.
Thanks to the intervention of Independent Councillor Mark Novak, the misunderstanding has been resolved and we will be attending Dogs Day Out. Mark says "for 4 years I have frequently been a lone voice on this Council appealing for change. Following this Council election, the change agents must be in the majority." Mr. Novak is standing for mayor in the upcoming Council election; I support him and hope you can too.
Manly also let us know that they are also working to support pets on public transport, and wrote to the relevant ministry after the bus arrest in February. Even better, we're slowly gaining support for a Salty Dogs' Day Out on a section of the beach - just like a surf club event. We would love to do with working with Council.
Will you help us on the stall on Sunday 10th August?